Sponsor Us

Did you know that more than 40% of pet professionals’ mental health is suffering due to their work? It’s difficult to understand, but pet professionals have some of the highest levels of stress, anxiety and depression of all careers, along with a lot of pressure to care for people’s most beloved animals. It’s a profession in crisis, and the people who work in it are crying out for help.
Unfortunately, over 67% of those professionals also think there isn’t enough support in the industry to help them navigate the difficult times.
We Want to Change That.
Care for Pet Professionals is a Community Interest Company dedicated to supporting pet professionals’ mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. From pet groomers, technicians, and vets up to farmers and even zookeepers, we’re providing essential support, resources and tools they need to survive and thrive in the industry. But we can’t do that alone. While we are a community interest company, we still need help spreading our message, building a platform to provide digital services and working alongside therapists and associations to give our members the best experience and care possible. So ask yourself, could that help come from you?
How Can You Help Us?
We’re looking for animal-loving people just like you to support our cause through corporate sponsorship. Your support will help us provide therapeutic sessions to pet professionals in need, raise awareness and start the conversations that desperately need to happen around mental health in the pet profession. Your sponsorship doesn’t need to be earth-shattering. Any contribution your company could spare would make the world of difference to a pet professional in crisis, and help them access the care and support they need to recover. If you think you can help, just get in touch with us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
What Will Your Sponsorship Do?
In return for your generous sponsorship, Care for Pet Professionals can offer you:
Sponsorship of therapeutic sessions
A company profile on our website
Links and mentions to your company on our socials
Regular updates on the number of people your sponsorship has helped, and how
A blog post dedicated to your business and support
The positive publicity that comes from supporting a community interest company